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Working better, smarter and safer

May 16, 2013


Are Local 50 signatory contractors and their employees our customers’ providers of choice?


  • Local 50 members continue to pledge $1.00 per hour in after-tax dollars for target funds, but they still lose more than half the targeted jobs to nonunion companies.
  • Customers are selecting alternative providers to do the work our union members used to do.
  • Some customers prefer to use in-house staff to perform work we used to.

Compensation: A quick breakdown

Total Package = $58.57blog3

$35.50    Base Pay

$8.02       Actives Health Care Plan and $2.12 Retiree Health Care

$7.10       Local and National Pension (Less than 50% goes to the individual who performed the work.)

$4.50       404c (aka a Defined Contribution)

$.85         Joint Apprenticeship Training and International Training Program

$.20         Piping Industry Professionals and Employers (LMCC)

$.28         MCA NW Ohio

Payroll taxes and insurance = 22% to 30% of base ($7.81 to $10.65)

Social security and Medicare, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, workers compensation, liability insurance.

Truck Expenses = typically $7-$9

Lease, depreciation, gas, oil, insurance, license fees, maintenance and repairs.

Miscellaneous and non-billable expenses = typically $12-$15

Uniforms, tools and gang box, consumables, communications (phone, wireless, laptops), lost time, callbacks, delivery, training, warranty paperwork and sales surveys.

This doesn’t include overhead associated with payroll staff, dispatchers, accounting and other administrative costs.

Working safer is a must

Adherence to all safety measures encourages our customers to continue using L50 signatory contractors and employees. Customers consider direct and indirect costs when selecting a contractor and hiring a workforce.  If there’s an accident, the direct costs, such as medical costs and fines, are just the tip of the iceberg.

The indirect costs can include:

  • Lost time by the injured workerblog4
  • Lost time by fellow workers
  • Lost time by the supervisor
  • Damaged equipment or jobsite
  • Unhappy customers
  • Cleanup time
  • Schedule delays
  • Training replacement staff
  • Overhead costs
  • Legal fees
  • Insurance cost increases

Work safely. Help Local 50 workers and employers remain the provider of choice.

From → Northwest Ohio

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